The Evolution of Birth Control: Options

The Evolution of Birth Control: Options

Blog Article

Things, by virtue of the competitive environments they are thrust into, have little recourse but to adapt and evolve over

time.This is true for everything from predatory animals to tobacco commercials, and everything else in between. At the same

time,anything that is being marketed to the average consumer is likely to be competing with other products that are probably

just as effective. The nature of the modern, global market is that a brand of clothing from Paris can be just as likely to

draw in high-class customers as that radical designer in Kyoto’s work. In essence, the consumer demand for more choices and

options for customizing their purchases to their specifications has forced companies to adapt, making their products open to

acceptable alteration more than ever before. Birth control methods, particularly for women, have also evolved along these


Originally, birth control of the pharmaceutical sort was limited. You had options on what brand to pick, but most of them

worked along similar lines anyway. They all worked by altering hormone levels, but had little room for things that women

might have had to consider, such as their cycle. Dosage was also generally universal, though this was clearly something that

needed to be fixed, since what is fine for one woman might be too strong a dose for another.

However, evolution is a powerful force, and it has managed to make even birth control adapt. Now, more than ever, women have

options on what pill to take, how big a dose that pill actually is, and curtail and limit other effects on the female

physiology that were ignored before. There are now pills that are designed to help fight the hormones that cause skin

problems such as acne, while others reduce the problem of withdrawal bleeding. As such, to compete in the current business

environment and grab a fair share of the market, pharmaceutical companies need to entice their female clients with more than

just a partial guarantee that pregnancy is not going to be a problem. Like the clothing and accessories that the stereotype

so often says women spend hours a day mixing and matching, the pill can now be suited for the individual woman.

There are, naturally, positive and negative effects to this sort of pharmaceutical phenomenon. The obvious positive is that

women 전담액상사이트 can now pick a pill that is better suited for their particular situation and physiology. This means that factors that

cannot be accurately generalized, such as hormonal reactions, the ovulation cycle, and other physiological details can be

taken into consideration when taking birth control. This means that they no longer have to adhere to the original 21/7 scheme

that the older formulas followed, which is now being considered as an already outmoded attempt to echo the average natural

ovulation cycle.

However, there are some negative factors that need to be considered. This opens up a slightly larger risk of incorrect birth

control prescription. Since the pills can be chosen depending on a woman’s hormone levels or certain things she wants

eliminated, such as bleeding or hormone-related acne, there is a slight chance that the wrong pill might be given. There is

also the present risk of a woman switching medications in the middle of a regimen. Such a move can be a major problem if

things like what hormones the pills trigger and what effects they might have on physiology are not considered.

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